Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hello from Munich! It's been a long while since I've been able to post and now is the first time I've had wifi in a week! So I'll write this post sitting at an outside cafe in the city center. We got to Munich on Saturday afternoon after taking a 4 hour bus trip. We got to the YMCA or CVJM in the city. We met up with the camp leaders and talked about what we were going to do. The leader of the camp was Zach Jones, a former NBA player. The camp was only 3 days long but yet it only took 3 days for God to work. We would start each day with doing mass defenseice slides and the like. Then we would break into stations and work on specific skills. After that we had lunch and "power hour" where we would listen to a speaker and then talk about our faith with the kids. This camp certainly seemed much shorter than Lörrach but like I said, it only took 3 days for God to work. In my group I had two young men say that they had felt something working in them since the camp started. They also told me that they wanted to give God a chance. And that too me was so rewarding. The camp went very smoothly and now we are done with camps for our trip. These last 4 days are ours for sightseeing and traveling. One afternoon we went to the English garden in Munich and went swimming in the eis bach (ice river). You should really google it, it was quite the experience. Last night we went walking around the city and heard some loud music from a concert. So we decided to follow the sound and see what was going on. It turns out Robbie Williams was playing a show that night. The best part was that it was held at the Olympic stadium. We ran to the top of a huge hill and right over the edge was the stadium and the other Olympic buildings. There had to be around 100,000 people at the Olympic park. I mean the place was just packed. We eventually made our way down the hill and to the gates of the stadium. It was just one of those nights where you realize you'll probably never get to experience something like this again so we just went for it. Today we are spending our time in downtown Munich doing some shopping and tonight we will travel to play a game against a Pro B team. This will be our last game before I travel back to Basel to start the showcase tour.  

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